Indonesian Registration of Marriages Done Abroad
Step one: Legalizing your international wedding documents
You must take a registered copy of your (foreign) marriage certificate to the consular section of the nearest Indonesian consulate or embassy if you were married overseas. Ask the consular staff to consularize (disahkan) a translation for the wedding certification and a copy regarding the international wedding certification. Frequently the consular office staff can often help you aided by the interpretation, for an extra charge. Your local consular officials svu ukrainian brides are aware of regional appropriate papers and also this “disahkan” process indicates that they certify that this can be an appropriate document in that nation.
Step two: Registering your wedding in Indonesia
The Indonesian federal government requires that most marriages conducted abroad be registered in Indonesia during the Kantor Catatan Sipil within 30 days regarding the wedding or your come back to Indonesia. You will need to pay a fine, so the sooner you get it done, the better if you haven’t registered within one year of marriage, the registration can still be completed, but!
Appropriate legislation: Undang-Undang Administrasi Kependudukan No 23 Tahun 2006: Pasal 37 ayat (4) ” Pencatatan sebagaimana that is perkawinan pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dilaporkan oleh yang bersangkutan kepada Instansi Pelaksana di tempat tinggalnya paling lambat 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak yang bersangkutan kembali ke Indonesia.”